Contact BOGO For Your Bloomington Minnesota Pest Control Needs

Bloomington is home to the Mall of America and the Minnesota Valley Natural Wildlife Refuge. These areas and more attract all types of different people and pests.

These are the most common pests found in Bloomington Minnesota

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Prevention Plan or IPP is the most effective option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call us or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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Ants in Bloomington Minnesota

Carpenter Ants are not Termites

Carpenter Ants

When swarms of winged carpenter ants are flying in late spring to mid-summer in Bloomington Minnesota they are often misidentified as termites. Termites have more rectangular bodies while carpenter ants’ bodies are unevenly shaped. Carpenter ants also have bent-elbowed antennas while termite’s antennas are short and straight. Carpenter ants make their nests inside rotted, water-damaged wood. When there’s a nest outside that nest is most likely a parent nest. These nests house the queen ant, her larva, pupa, and worker ants. When parent nests reach their full capacity a group of worker ants will leave the nest. They take a small number of larvae and pupa to start a satellite nest. These nests are the most common to find inside homes.

Signs of pavement ants

Pavement Ants

You can identify pavement ants by looking at their clubbed antennas, color, and size. They can vary in color from reddish-brown to black. They are smaller than carpenter ants only measuring around 1/8 inch long. Similar to carpenter ants these ants also have winged swarmers. If winged pavement ants are visible inside, this indicates there is an ant nest inside the home. If you are only seeing ants crawling on the floor or counter they could be foraging ants. Foraging ants leave their nests looking for food to bring back to their colony. Pavement ants build a nest under sidewalks, driveways, foundations, brick pavers, and under cement slabs inside homes. Their nests sometimes have loose sand and sediment in small mounds above the ground.

BOGO insect treatments

Ant Service

In ant colonies, only around 10% of the ants ever leave the nest. This makes it hard to kill an entire colony. All of the ant-killer products that you can buy over the counter will only kill the ants that leave the nest. The products that are sold are advertised as killing the ants instantly. By killing the ants on contact the rest of the colony will continue to reproduce and send out more foraging ants. With our professionally licensed products, we want to eradicate the entire colony. Our products do this by allowing the foraging ants to carry our product back to their nest where it will spread. It takes around 30 days for the product to kill an entire ant colony.

Mice in Bloomington Minnesota

Mouse Behavior in Bloomington Minnesota

Mouse Behavior

Mice in Bloomington Minnesota have 2 jobs that they continue doing all year long. They breed and store food. Mice can have between 1-10 liters in one year. They do not hibernate so mice continue breeding in the winter if they have a nest that is located in a temperature-controlled area. The second job they do is to hoard and forage for food. Mice live in groups together including multiple females, their offspring, and 1 or 2 males. Each mouse provides for their group and goes out in search of food to hoard for winter. When mice leave their nest they leave scent trails that turn into rub marks over time. These scent trails help the mice who go out at night to find their way back to the group.

Mouse seal up service

Mouse Service

BOGO has the highest-rated mouse service in Bloomington Minnesota. Our perfect 5-star Google rating is proof of that. We start each mouse service with a thorough inspection of the property. Taking pictures of entry points and limitations that may interfere with mouse-proofing the property. Our techs follow the science of how mice behave and how to locate areas that have high mouse activity. Our technicians will explain what the issues are and will send a detailed email explaining everything a second time. The second appointment only happens if the customer agrees to mouse-proof their home. On the second service, we take our time sealing up any entry points and potential entry points. Many other companies rush through the seal-up but we quote each job accordingly by how long the job should take and if it ends up being shorter we will lower the initial quoted price.

Wasps in Bloomington Minnesota

Paper wasp

Paper Wasps

Papers wasps are one of the least aggressive social wasps in Bloomington Minnesota. Their nests are unique in that they are completely exposed. You can see the hexagonal pattern that holds the larva and pupa and the rest of the colony from the outside. This makes the nests one of the easiest to eradicate and knockdown as long as the nest is at a reasonable height and not inside a man-made enclosure. Paper wasps do not reuse old nests and build new nests each year.

Yellow Jackets in Bloomington Minnesota

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are slightly smaller than paper wasps and also more aggressive. Their nests can often be hard to locate. They can build nests underground, inside cracks in the foundation, or siding, and inside trees and aerial nests hanging in trees. By the end of the summer, these nests can grow to be 1,000-4,000 strong! Once the nests get to this size they become significantly more aggressive as there are more wasps and less food for the wasps to eat when temperatures start to drop. Each year the yellow jackets build a new nest. They do not reuse a nest from the year before.

wasp treatments in Minnetonka Minnesota

Wasp Service

The wasp service we provide in Bloomington Minnesota uses a product that doesn’t kill the wasp on contact but instead lets the product get carried inside the nest where it will spread throughout the rest of the colony. Depending on the size of the nest there is a chance we won’t knock the nest down on the same day as the service. It takes around a week for the entire colony to get the product on them and to die. As also mentioned not all nests are considered a nuisance if they are located high enough off the ground (25 to +30 feet).

Spiders in Bloomington Minnesota

Spiders in Minnesota

Spider Behavior

Spiders ignite fear in people that can be unexplainable or incomparable to anything else in nature. This leads to a misunderstanding regarding the true benefits of spiders. Yes, a spider infestation inside a home can be a nuisance. But spiders living outside play an important role in our ecosystems. They keep the population from overpopulating other habitats. Spiders hunt for insects in two different ways. One way is to buy building webs. These spiders are called web-building spiders. Some of the most common include; the common house spider, harvestmen (daddy-long-legs), and cellar spider. The second way spider get their food is by hunting. These spiders are called hunting spiders. These include; the wolf spider, jumping spider, and small sac spiders.

Spider habitat in Bloomington Minnesota

Spider Habitat

Places that have high spider populations usually have one or two things in common. These habitats are going to be areas that also have high insect populations. These habitats include forests and near bodies of water. Spiders eat insects so they want to live in a place that has an abundance of food to eat. Commonly, these areas are also near water. Insects like mosquitos, flies ticks and others thrive near bodies of water. In areas that are heavily wooded insects that feed on moist decomposing leaf litter also thrive. Spiders that live inside homes in Bloomington are often there because other insect populations are abundant. These insects prefer to live in heavy moisture environments in basements and bathrooms.

Spider service in the Twin Cities of Minnesota

Spider Service

Our spider treatment is focused on the exterior of the home. This will be the most effective place to spray to lower the population of spiders living inside and outside the home. First, we use our extension brushes to knock down any cobwebs outside the home. Then we start to spray areas that spiders and other insects may use as entry points to get inside. This includes but is not limited to; soffits, the foundation, and around windows and doors. The product stays effective for 2 months after it is sprayed. If there is a heavy population of spiders inside one interior treatment will be effective for a whole year.

Boxelder Bugs and Stink Bugs in Bloomington Minnesota

Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder bugs are considered fall pests in Bloomington Minnesota. They appear in swarms in search of areas to over winter. They prefer to land on walls of the home that are constantly getting hit by the sun. They make their way inside through windows, damaged weather stripping, gaps in the siding or foundation, etc. In the spring and summer boxelder bugs live on female boxelder trees. The trees provide them with a place to lay eggs and food for their nymphs and adults. Their main diet consists of feeding on the helicopter seeds that the trees produce.

Stink bugs in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Stink Bugs

Stink bugs are an invasive species from eastern Asia. They were first seen in North America in 1998 after hitchhiking their way inside shipping containers. It wasn’t until 2010 that they were first spotted in Minnesota. These insects spend the warmer months in agricultural fields damaging crops such as; sweet corn, tomatoes, grapes, apples, and others. Since their introduction in Minnesota, their populations have exploded! They are most commonly spotted in the fall as they land on the outside of homes in search of a place to overwinter. We are still trying to find the most effective product and treatment option to kill them. We are running various trials on multiple homes.

BOGO insect treatments

Boxelder and Stink Bug Service

To not see high populations of these insects inside in the winter it’s important to get a treatment done in the fall. Specifically, get the treatment done right before the large swarms become visible. As the swarms start landing on the siding there is a good chance that a population of stink bugs and boxelder bugs has already moved inside for winter. The treatment we put around the house is thorough and covers a large surface area. These bugs can fly and stink bugs commonly enter homes through chimneys, soffits, and air vents that are high off of the ground. The product we use stays effective for 2 months. Once the bugs are inside there is no longer an effective treatment to do. We are not capable of covering the same amount of surface area as on the exterior. The insects will not mate or lay eggs in the winter so the next best option is to vacuum them up when you see them.

Ash Tree Service in Bloomington Minnesota

Emerald Ash Borer in Bloomington Minnesota

Emerald Ash Borer Behavior

Emerald ash borer has started killing thousands of ash trees in the Twin Cities area. They started appearing in St. Paul first and since then have started spreading west. The insects kill the trees by laying their eggs on top of the bark. The larvae feed on the cambium layer which is right below the bark. Over time the tree slowly dies as it is no longer able to spread the nutrients and water to all of the parts of the tree. The first sign of a sick tree is to look at the canopy and the bark. If the bark is starting to peel off it is most likely too sick to treat.

BOGO's ash tree service

Ash Tree Service

Our treatment for ash trees is very effective. Our service uses pneumatic micro-injection. Each service consists of drilling individual holes around the trunk of the tree. Each hole is used as an injection point for our treatment. We inject the product individually into each injection point. By doing it individually we can make sure each injection point receives the correct amount of product.

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Prevention Plan or IPP is the most effective option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call us or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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