Contact BOGO for your Maplewood Minnesota Pest Control Needs

Maplewood is a suburb of St. Paul Minnesota. With the Mississippi, Battle Creek, and other parks Maplewood is a great place for people and pests to live

These are the most common pests in Maplewood Minnesota

(Click on the names to keep from scrolling)

To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Prevention Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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Ants in Maplewood Minnesota

Ants near Lake Minnetonka

Ant Behavior

The most common ants to see in Maplewood Minnesota are pavement ants and carpenter ants. In the spring and summer, it’s common to see sand inside cracks in sidewalks, driveways, and patios. These piles of sand mark pavement ant nests. Carpenter ant nests vary in location but will be near or inside of water-damaged wood. Carpenter ants chew small galleries or tunnels through water-damaged wood to store their food, eggs, and larvae. Both of these ants are capable of staying active in the middle of the winter if a nest is located in the home.

Ant Service in St. Paul Minnesota

Ant Service

Our ant services are designed to make the ants inside the home carry our product back to their nests. These treatments provide a delayed effect so after an ant service we have to wait 30 days for the product to exterminate 100% of the colony. By only treating on the exterior we can still impact the ants in the home because they came in from the outside. Interior treatments are only necessary for dealing with large ant infestations or ants in the home in the winter.

Learn about our Ant Services

To learn more about ants visit our ant identification page

Mice in Maplewood Minnesota

Mice living inside insulation

Mouse Behavior

Mice can be found in homes all across Maplewood. They become especially motivated to get inside in the fall and winter as temperatures drop. Mice are capable of breeding and having multiple litters all year round. This can happen in the winter if they find a temperature-controlled space to start a nest. One mouse can have around 10 litters a year! They commonly nest inside attics, foundations, and unfinished rooms in the basement.

Mouse service in Coon Rapids Minnesota

Our Mouse Service

Our mouse service is designed to prevent mice from getting inside by sealing up the structure from the outside. We start each mouse service with a comprehensive inspection to find where the major entry points are located and look for any limitations. Limitations are areas on the exterior that prevent us from accessing 100% of the foundation or roof. We use construction-grade materials to seal the entry points to prevent mice from chewing through. This service is a one-and-done service. Our goal is to make your home permanently mouse-free!

Learn more about our signature mouse service

To learn more about mice and their behavior visit our mouse identification page

Wasps in Maplewood Minnesota

yellow jackets in Minnesota facts page

Wasp Behavior

In Maplewood Minnesota, yellow jackets are the most aggressive wasp. Their aggressiveness increases later in the summer as their nests start to reach their full capacity. They are territorial and will sting anything that gets too close. Their nests can be located in a variety of different locations. They build nests inside old rodent tunnels, inside trees, retaining walls, siding, etc. They forge for protein-based and sugar-based foods for carbohydrates. The protein is used to feed the eggs and larvae inside the nest while the sugar is given to the workers for energy.

wasp treatments in Minnetonka Minnesota

Wasp Service

The two wasp services we provide are prevention-based and active wasp nest extermination. The prevention-based service is more effective when done in the early summer and late spring. It adds a protective barrier around the exterior of the home to prevent wasps from building nests on the home. The second service is designed to exterminate already active nests found around the property. Many wasp nests that are hidden can be extremely hard to treat with store-bought products. It’s important to have a product that will keep the wasps alive long enough to carry the product deep inside the nest to the Queen.

Learn about our Wasp Service

To learn more about wasps and bees visit our identification page

Spiders in Maplewood Minnesota

Spiders in Minnesota

Spider Behavior

Spiders are commonly found in areas near bodies of water and wooded habitats. These habitats all attract insects that spiders feed on. Insects such as flies, mosquitos, and ants are just a few of the insects spiders prey on. When catching prey some spiders build webs to catch their food and other spiders hunt for their food. The common house spider is one of the most common web-building spiders in Maplewood. A common spider that hunts for food is the wolf spider.

Spider service in the Twin Cities of Minnesota

Spider Service

Spiders can be a big nuisance for many homes in the spring and summer. Depending on where the home is located the windows and siding could be covered in webs! This is why we start each spider service with a web knockdown. By knocking down the webs we are destroying the egg sacs and forcing the adult spiders to relocate and move around the structure. By forcing the adult spiders to move around we drastically increase the chances the spiders will cross over any treated areas. It should take around 30 days to see a significant decrease in spider activity inside and outside the home.

Learn about our Spider Service

To learn more about spiders read our blog “We Love Living Near Woods and Water and so do Spiders!”

Boxelder Bugs and Stink Bugs in Maplewood Minnesota

boxelder bug and stink bug behavior

Stink Bugs and Boxelder Bugs

Stink bugs are an invasive species from eastern Asia. They were first spotted in Minnesota in 2010. Since then their population has exploded! They mate, lay eggs, and feed in the spring and summer. They lay most of their eggs on the leaves of plants like apple and maple trees as well as vegetables like tomato plants and corn. Boxelder bugs aren’t invasive but their populations also explode each year in the fall. They mate and lay their eggs in boxelder trees and trees that produce helicopter seeds.

BOGO insect treatments

Fall Service

Our fall service aims to exterminate stink bugs, boxelder bugs, and Asian lady beetles. This treatment also includes other fall insects trying to get inside to overwinter or use the siding to stay warm. This service by itself is more effective when done right before the swarms of bugs start to appear. If there are already swarms of insects on the home when we treat it is more likely a population of them has already made their way inside. If you do see them inside in the winter none of the fall insects mate or lay eggs inside the home.

Click below to learn more about our boxelder/stink bug service

Click Here

To learn more about boxelder bugs and stink bugs read our blog “Minnesota Fall Pests”

Ash Tree Service in Maplewood Minnesota

Emerald Ash Borer in Bloomington Minnesota

Emerald Ash Borer Behavior

Unfortunately for Ash Trees in Maplewood Minnesota, most are already infected. The emerald ash borer infects ash trees by laying its eggs just below the bark. When the eggs hatch the larvae feed in the cambium layer of the tree or the outermost ring. As they continue to feed on it the tree is not able to send nutrients and water up to the canopy.

Ash tree treatment Anoka Minnesota

Ash Tree Service

Because most trees in Maplewood are already infected it may already be too late to treat. If the tree has already been treated we can come out to quote the tree and provide a more effective treatment option. Our treatment method uses Pneumatic Micro-Injections. This method involves injecting the product individually into each injection point. This allows us to measure the precise amount of product that goes into each injection site. By doing this the product is able to spread evenly through the entire truck of the tree.

For more information about the emerald ash borer in Maplewood Minnesota

Learn more about the benefits of treating your ash trees

IPP Reviews

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Prevention Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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