We have been seeing a lot more rainfall this summer than usual. The excess groundwater has played a big role in these pest’s behavior.

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Ants near Lake Minnetonka

Due to all the rainfall we have been receiving this summer we have seen a large increase in ant activity. The two most common ants are pavement ants and carpenter ants. Pavement ants get their name from nesting under pavement. Because their nests are underground the rain forces them to come up above the ground and find dryer and higher areas to build new nests. This reaction is causing them to relocate inside homes and other structures.

Carpenter ants are attracted to nesting inside water-damaged or rotting wood. Due to the rain, many areas around the home such as decks, siding, and roofs are getting wet and soaking up water. If these materials are not protected correctly the wood will release a pheromone that attracts these ants to build nests inside the water-damaged wood.


Wasps in Stillwater Minnesota

The wasp nests that were started in the spring get significantly larger until fall. The start of July is usually when their nests become noticeable. The increase in temperature at night also plays a factor and will allow the wasps to have more energy to spend time foraging for food and nesting material. They are also not as active in the rain. If July or August are dryer months this will increase wasp activity. Wasps forage for sugar-based food and protein-based foods. The sugary foods are given to the worker wasps to supply them with carbohydrates. The protein-based foods are given to the queen, her eggs, and larvae. It’s good to act preventively before the nests get any larger. The larger the nest the more aggressive and defensive the wasps will become.


House centipedes

Centipedes are one of the scariest-looking insects we have here in Minnesota. They are prone to dehydration so they need to live in moist environments to survive. This summer has provided them with all the moisture they could ask for and more! Centipedes are the apex predator in the insect world. They will eat a variety of insects that may be living inside. If a home currently has insect activity this would attract centipedes to live inside the home.

Moisture Pests

This summer is on track to become one of the wettest summers on record! Because of all the rain we have received this summer all the ground water is forcing these insects to find higher and dryer ground. Some of the most common moisture insects include; millipedes, springtails, sowbugs, and earwigs. These insects all play the same role in nature. They help break down dead organic matter. We recommend clearing out any leaf litter inside basement gully windows and keeping plants and shrubs trimmed back at least 2 feet away from the home. We also highly recommend installing a dehumidifier in the basement.