Contact BOGO For Your New Hope Minnesota Pest Control Needs.

New Hope is a city just outside Minneapolis. There are a variety of parks and biking trails that draw people to live here.

These are the most common pests found in New Hope Minnesota

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Prevention Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call us or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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Ants in New Hope Minnesota

Signs of pavement ants in Victoria Minnesota

Pavement Ants

A common ant to find in New Hope Minnesota is the pavement ant. These ants can be found inside and outside homes. When outside their nests are easily identifiable by seeing piles of sand. They build their nests underneath sidewalks, driveways, patios, and curbs. Most ants that you see inside are foraging ants. These ants carry food back to their nests outside. These ants can also be active inside homes in the middle of winter. They nest in temperature-controlled areas like; insulated foundations, under cement slabs, heated floors, and various home appliances.

Interior and exterior ant service

Ant Services

There are two services for exterminating ants inside a home. We provide interior or exterior treatments. The interior treatments are necessary when it’s too cold outside for any insects to be active outside. We come inside and use a foam-based product that fills the voids and cracks the ants are crawling out of. Each interior treatment comes with an exterior treatment in the spring. The exterior treatment is the most effective treatment to provide long-term protection. Each service takes 30 days to exterminate any ant colony inside the home.

Learn more about our ant service

To learn more about ants visit our ant identification page

Mice in New Hope Minnesota

Mouse behavior in Shorewood Minnesota


Mice in New Hope Minnesota have adapted to the cold temperatures. In the fall, most mice start searching for warm places to spend the winter. In the winter mice don’t hibernate and will continue feeding and mating. They move in and out of the structure looking for food seeds and nuts to bring back inside to add to the stockpile. As they continue moving in and out they leave scent trails to mark the entry points inside. Over time these scent trails become rub marks as they use the same entry points over and over again. Rub marks become black and brown from the mud, urine, and grease stuck on their fur.

Mouse service in St. Paul Minnesota

Mouse Service

There are a variety of different techniques and services that are used to keep mice out of homes. Most of these techniques are not effective solutions. There is only one long-term fix and that is to seal up the home from the outside. This is the service we provide. We go around every inch permanently sealing up the entry points the mice are using to get inside. After the entry points are all sealed it takes around 30 days to catch all the mice still inside of the home. We set traps for all our customers to help with completing the process. After 30 days you should not see any more mice. If you do we provide most of our customers with warranties to follow up for free if we have to.

Click below to learn more about our signature mouse service

To learn more about mice and their behavior visit our mouse identification page

Wasps in New Hope Minnesota

Wasps in Stillwater Minnesota

Wasp Behavior

The three most common social wasps in New Hope Minnesota are the; bald-faced hornet, paper wasp, and yellow jacket. As social wasps, they live in nests with a colony of worker wasps, male wasps, and queen wasps. The worker wasps spend their lives foraging for food and nesting material. The workers that forage for food search for protein-based foods to feed to the queen and larvae. They kill insects and will scavenge on dead animal carcasses and human food. The nesting material is found in dried-up wood. It could be a dead tree, unstained wood deck, and cedar shakes. They peel thin layers of the wood and mix it with their saliva to make the papery nest material.

Wasp removal service preventative

Wasp Services

Wasps build their nests in a variety of different locations. One of the services we provide is to keep wasps from building nests on the outside of the home. Wasps start building new nests each year in late spring and early summer. The product we use sticks to the home and stays effective for up to 2 months. During this time any wasp that lands on the home will die in 30-45 minutes. If you were unable to get a preventative service we also have treatment to exterminate an already-built wasp nest. Some of these nests could be built underground, in a tree or retaining wall. These nests can go unnoticed until it’s close to their full capacity.

Learn more about our wasp service

To learn more about wasps and bees visit our identification page

Spiders in New Hope Minnesota

Spiders in Eagan Minnesota

Spider Identification

Spiders come in a variety of colors and sizes. Luckily in Minnesota, none of them get very large and are not venomous to humans. But this doesn’t mean people still aren’t scared of them. There are two different varieties of spiders in Minnesota. There are web-building spiders and there are hunting spiders. Some of the more common web-building spiders are; cellar spiders, house spiders, and daddy-long legs (aka harvestmen). Hunting spiders don’t use webs to catch their prey. These spiders include; wolf spiders, sac spiders, and jumping spiders.

Spider habitat in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Spider Habitats

Habitats for spiders must include two things; moisture and insects. Being that insects are spiders’ main source of food they are motivated to live in places with high insect activity. Many of these places are near bodies of water. Insects such as mosquitos, flies, and ticks are drawn to water or even hatch out of it. This is why homes that are near lakes, ponds, or marshes will always have an increase in spider activity.

spider treatments

Spider Services

Cleaning the webs around the home has more benefits than just increasing your homes curb appeal. Cleaning the webs destroys spider egg sacs before they hatch. One tiny egg sac can hatch over 100 baby spiders. This is one reason why homes near lakes and woods may need multiple treatments to stay ahead of the spider’s life cycle. Another benefit is that the adult spiders will get forced to come out of hiding. Spiders will often hide inside small cracks and crevices around the home. The spiders will come out to start rebuilding their nests and crawl across our application. Once our treatment gets on them they will die in 30-45 minutes or before they can build a new web.

Learn more about our Spider Service

To learn more about spiders read our blog “We Love Living Near Woods and Water and so do Spiders!”

Boxelder Bugs and Stink Bugs in New Hope Minnesota

boxelder bug and stink bug behavior


In New Hope Minnesota, boxelder bugs and stink bugs start searching for places to overwinter in the fall. They use a variety of ways to get inside and can fit through the smallest cracks. They find entry points around the foundation, under the siding, around window and door trims, soffits, vents, and chimneys. Once they get inside most of them lay dormant conserving energy until spring. But during warm and sunny days in the winter, both insects can warm up enough to come out of hiding. They can be seen inside around windows and walls to get warm. While inside neither one lays eggs or mates.

BOGO insect treatments

Fall Service

When we treat for boxelder bugs and stink bugs we treat around the entire home. We treat the foundation, siding, window, and door trims, soffits, and chimneys. Because both insects can fly we need to apply a protective barrier on a majority of the home. This treatment becomes more effective if it’s done right before the swarms start to appear. If there is already a large population outside the home then there is a better chance that a population has already moved inside for winter. After a fall application, the treatment sticks on the surface and will kill any insect that lands on the home for 2 months.

Learn more about our boxelder bug and stink bug treatment

Click Here

To learn more about stink bugs and boxelder bugs read our blog “Minnesota Fall Pests”

Click Here

Ash Tree Service in New Hope Minnesota

Benefits of treating ash trees in Minnesota

Benefits of Treating Ash Trees

Saving a tree should always be the top priority before cutting it down. Ash trees in New Hope Minnesota can be anywhere between 20 and 100 years old! These trees are not replaceable. On top of that getting a tree treated is much cheaper than paying to cut it down. Companies across the Twin Cities are raising their prices to combat the volume of sick ash tree calls. Keeping large established trees on your property also helps with pollution, and water runoff and increases the cost of your home. One tree can absorb 1000 lbs. of carbon from the atmosphere and absorb over 2,000 gallons of rainwater a year!

Ash tree treatment

Ash Tree Service

Ash trees are dying at an alarming rate and should be treated immediately to stay alive. Our ash tree service was tested and perfected by our professional arborist on staff. This treatment method has been proven to be one of the most effective methods in the industry. It requires the technician to drill multiple holes around the trunk of the tree. Each hole becomes a separate injection site and the product we use is injected into each site individually. By doing the injections individually we can give the exact dosage needed for the tree to spread the product evenly.

Learn more about the emerald ash borer in New Hope Minnesota

Learn about other benefits of getting your ash trees treated

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Prevention Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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