Contact BOGO For Your Golden Valley Minnesota Pest Control Needs

Golden Valley is a town just outside Minneapolis. There are plenty of parks, golf courses, lakes, and rivers that attract pests and people to the city.

These are the most common pests in Golden Valley Minnesota

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Protection Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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Ants in Golden Valley Minnesota

Ants in St. Louis Park Minnesota

Ant Behavior

Two of the most common ants in Golden Valley Minnesota are pavement and carpenter ants. Both ants live in large colonies and are often seen inside homes. Carpenter ants are found inside homes that deal with moisture or water issues. These ants build their nests inside soft rotted wood. They do not eat the wood to survive like termites. They chew small tunnels and galleries inside the wood to store eggs, food, and worker ants. Pavement ants live underground and make their nests using the sand found under garages, driveways, sidewalks, and foundations. When they are found inside they’re usually under heated floors, unfinished basements, or inside insulated foundations.

Ant Service in St. Paul Minnesota

BOGO’s Ant Service

Our ant service is designed to combat the entire ant colony and not just the ants that you see. The ants above ground are foraging ants and only makeup 10% of the entire colony. Most products you buy at your local department store will be marketed as killing the ants on contact. These products will only affect the 10% of the colony. When this happens the rest of the colony thinks they are under threat. They then send out even more foragers than before to offset the number of them that died. Our product takes 30 days to kill an ant colony. This is because our product allows the foraging ants to carry the product back to their nest and spread it through the rest of the colony including the Queen.

Mice in Golden Valley Minnesota

Mouse evidence in St. Paul Minnesota

Mouse Behavior

Mice in Golden Valley behave differently based on the temperature and season. In the fall as the temperatures start to drop mice become motivated to go inside homes to get warm. When inside a home mice are going to be the most active inside the unfinished rooms, crawl spaces, and attics. These areas are the darkest, and quietest rooms. Unfinished rooms also have exposed insulation and foundation for nesting. They create scent trails on the foundation and exposed wires and pipes to help them navigate around the home at night. These scent trails can become visible rub marks when multiple mice use the same entry points over time.

Our mouse service in Victoria Minnesota

Our Mouse Service

Our mouse service is a one-and-done service. We don’t use contracts and we don’t offer quarterly services to refill poison bait inside. Our service is done entirely on the exterior of the home. We go around the outside sealing up any entry points that the mice are using to get inside. We use construction-grade materials to seal the holes to make sure mice won’t be able to chew through. Most entry points we seal are sealed by layering different materials together. This is shown in the bottom image. After all the entry points are sealed on the outside it takes 30 days to catch all the mice inside the structure. We provide our customers with snap traps inside the home.

Wasps in Golden Valley Minnesota

Wasp Behavior in MN

Wasp Behavior

A few of the most common social wasps in Golden Valley include the yellow jacket and bald-faced hornet. The yellow jacket is the most aggressive of the two. These wasps build their nests in a variety of different locations. They build ground nests, inside trees, inside foundation cracks, inside retaining walls even aerial nests. They will build nests in any area that is just big enough for their bodies to fit inside. Bald-faced hornets are unique in that their bodies are white and black instead of yellow and black. Each colony builds the same type of nest. They only build aerial nests that are at least 3 feet off the ground. Their aerial nests are identifiable by being tear-dropped and shaped. This means the top of the nest is always the widest part and narrows near the bottom where the entrance inside the nest is located.

Wasp removal service preventative

Our Wasp Service

Our wasp services are extremely effective in exterminating large social wasp colonies. The product we use allows the wasps that leave nests to stay alive long enough to carry it back inside the nest. We also offer a preventative wasp service. This service uses a product that prevents wasps from building nests on the exterior of the home. The product dries and sticks to the siding and soffits where wasps commonly build their nests. When a wasps lands on any of the sprayed surfaces the wasp dies instantly or before they can start building a nest.

Spiders in Golden Valley Minnesota

Spiders in Elk River Minnesota

Spider Behavior

There is a wide variety of spiders in Golden Valley Minnesota. Each spider helps eat insects that would become overpopulated without them. A few of these insects include mosquitos, ticks, flies, and beetles. Many of these insects are attracted to living in wet and moisture-heavy environments. Habitats near bodies of water and woods are usually heavily populated with these insects. Since spiders eat insects these habitats also attract large populations of spiders. Some spiders catch their prey in webs and some catch them by hunting. Common web-building spiders include the cellar spider and the common house spider. Some common hunting spiders are wolf spiders and jumping spiders

Spider service in the Twin Cities of Minnesota

Our Spider Service

The spider services we provide for our customers in Golden Valley include exterior and interior treatments. The exterior treatment is by far the most effective in keeping spiders from entering the home. But in the winter when there are no insects outside an interior treatment is our only option. Our exterior treatment starts with us wiping down any cobwebs on the home. We then spray along the corners, soffits, foundation, and around windows. The product sticks to the surface and any insect or spider that crosses it will die before they can get inside. An interior treatment focuses on spraying inside any unfinished rooms, corners, and floorboards.

Boxelder Bugs and Stink Bugs in Golden Valley

Boxelder bugs in Minnesota

Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder bugs in Golden Valley become a problem in the fall. During this time of year, they start searching for places to over winter. They find their way inside through cracks in the foundation, siding, and around windows. They also find their way under damaged weatherstripping below doors. In the winter their bodies stay dormant for a majority of the time. The ones found walking around the home in the winter are active because they are warmed up when it’s sunny. The sun in the winter can still heat the siding and windows on the south side of the home enough for some of the bugs to become active again. When they are active in the winter they are not mating or laying eggs inside the home.

Stink bugs in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Stink Bugs

Stink bugs behave similarly to boxelder bugs. They also overwinter inside homes and buildings. One thing that is different about stink bugs is that they are invasive to the United States. They came from eastern Asia traveling inside shipping crates and airplanes. In Golden Valley, their populations have exploded. We are still learning more about them every year but they seem to spend most winters inside attics and soffits. But like boxelder bugs, they also can become active in the winter if its sunny outside. When they are active in the winter they do not mate, lay eggs, or cause structural damage.

BOGO insect treatments

Our Boxelder Bug and Stink Bug Service

This service is only done between August and October. The fall is when these insects start making their way inside homes to overwinter. When spraying the home during this time of year, we prevent these insects from getting inside during winter. The service is the most effective when it is done right before the large swarms of bugs start to appear on the outside of the home. When this happens it is more likely that a population is already inside. During the service, we spray around the foundation, most of the siding, soffits, chimneys, and around windows.

Ash Tree Service in Golden Valley

Benefits of treating ash trees in Minnesota

Benefits of Treating Your Ash Trees

Treating ash trees infected with the emerald ash borer has become more important than ever. The emerald ash borer is spreading rapidly through Golden Valley. Thousands of ash trees are continuing to die each year. There are a variety of health and environmental benefits to keeping these trees alive. Some health benefits are reduced blood pressure, reduced stress, and immune system improvements. These benefits come from breathing in the clean air and from looking at a healthy green tree. The environmental benefits include absorbing harmful gases and reducing polluted water runoff into lakes and streams.

Ash tree treatment

BOGO’s Ash Tree Service

Our Ash Tree service is primarily done by our certified arborist Justin. He is extremely knowledgeable about the emerald ash borer and the damage it can cause. He also knows the best method for treating the trees is by using Pneumatic Micro-Injections. This method allows us to measure the amount of product each injection site receives around the trunk of the tree. This allows the product to spread evenly through the inside of the trunk and to all the branches.

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Protection Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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