Contact BOGO for all your Cottage Grove Pest Control Needs. Cottage Grove is a suburb south of St. Paul. It has over 1500 acres of parkland including the now famous Woodridge Park playground. These parks have influenced families and pests to call Cottage Grove home.

These are the most common pests found in Cottage Grove Minnesota

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Prevention Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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Ants in Cottage Grove Minnesota

Signs of pavement ants

Pavement Ant Behavior

Pavement ants are commonly found in Cottage Grove Minnesota. These ants build their nests using the sand beneath driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other cement or brick slabs. Most of these ants get inside the home to forage for protein and sugar-based foods to bring back to the nest outside. If there is a nest inside the home look for piles of sand in the basement or winged ants. Winged ants are the same size as the worker ants. The male and female ants mate in the spring and summer to build new ant colonies.

Interior and exterior ant service

Ant Service

During our ant service, we focus on treating the home’s exterior to provide the most effective results. All ants that are inside will make their way outside to either go back to their nest or to forage. Interior treatments are only necessary if there is ant activity in the middle of winter or if the ant problem has turned into a full-blown infestation! Our exterior treatment focuses on treating around the foundation, patios, decks, trees, and electric lines that touch the home. Both interior and exterior products work by keeping the ants above ground long enough to carry the product back to their nest to give to the queen

Mice in Cottage Grove Minnesota

Mouse Behavior

Mice are motivated to move inside structures as temperatures start to drop in the fall and winter. There are a variety of different ways mice can find their way inside. They mostly get into homes through the foundation but they can also enter into the home from the roof. Mice are notoriously great climbers and feel safer by nesting above ground away from predators. In the summer mice will build their nest inside trees. In the winter they build their nests inside attics and foundations.

Mouse service in St. Paul Minnesota

Mouse Service

There isn’t a company in the pest control industry that seals up homes for mice like we do at BOGO. We make our service a one-and-done service. That means there is no contract attached to our service. We solve your mouse problem with one service and if one service doesn’t solve the problem we attach warranties to our work. These warranties allow our customers to call us to schedule free services to fix the mouse problem for good. During these reservices, we check around the home to see if something was missed and seal it up.

Wasps in Cottage Grove Minnesota

Paper wasp

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are one of the most common wasps to find on homes in Cottage Grove Minnesota. They build unique-looking nests where the cells that hold the eggs and larvae are visible from the outside. They always build brand new nests each spring and will never reuse an already-built nest. Their nests are built in areas around the home that allow the nests to stay dry if it rains. Some of the most common places include; under soffits, inside gutters with gutter covers, and window or door trims. The wasps themselves are relatively large but their nests will only have between 40-70 wasps by the end of the summer. In comparison, a yellow jacket nest by the end of the summer could house over 1,000 wasps in one nest!

Wasp removal service preventative

Wasp Service

Treating an active wasp nest can be a risky job. Many people who do it themselves oftentimes get stung or don’t exterminate 100% of the wasp colony. A wasp nest that is hidden inside another structure or in the ground are nearly impossible to exterminate with store bought products. These nests make it impossible to know how many wasps are inside and where the queen wasp is located. The products we use are designed to make the wasps flying in and out of the nest stay alive long enough to spread the product to the entire nest. It should take around 2 weeks before the entire nest is exterminated.

Spiders in Cottage Grove Minnesota

Spiders in Eagan Minnesota

Spider Behavior

Spiders in Cottage Grove Minnesota have adapted to live and thrive in areas near woods or water. Spiders prefer to inhabit places where they can find the most food. That food being other insects means the places they live will have large insect populations. This also factors into going inside homes. Homes with spider activity inside means there is also a population of other insects inside the home. Two common web-building spiders in Cottage Grove are the cellar and house spiders. The two most common hunting spiders are wolf spiders and sac spiders.

Spider service in the Twin Cities of Minnesota

Spider Service

The spider service we perform is all done on the exterior of the home. One scenario in which an interior service is necessary is if the spider activity is seen in the winter. During our exterior spider service, we first go around and knock down any cobwebs. This destroys any egg sacs before they can hatch and forces the adult spiders to move around. One egg sac can hatch out over 100 baby spiders! After the web knockdown, we treat the exterior around the foundation, corners, soffits, lights, and windows. When the spiders cross over the treated areas they will die in 30-45 minutes.

Boxelder Bugs and Stink Bugs in Cottage Grove Minnesota

Boxelder bug and stink bugs in Minnesota

Stink Bug and Boxelder Bug Behavior

Stink bugs and boxelder bugs can be found clustering on the outside of homes in the fall. They do this because as the temperatures drop they become motivated to find places to overwinter. In the spring and summer, both bugs spend their life outside in trees and plants to feed and mate. Boxelder bugs live in boxelder trees or trees that produce helicopter seeds. Stink bugs spend their summer in corn fields, vegetable gardens, vineyards, and trees.

BOGO insect treatments

Fall Service

The most effective time to treat for boxelder bugs and stink bugs is in the fall. The treatment is designed to kill any overwintering insects before they get inside. We focus on treating around a majority of the home. This includes the foundation, siding, soffits, corners, and around windows and utility lines. After the treatment is done the product takes one hour to dry. Once its dry and stuck on the home the product will stay effective for up to 2 months.

Ash Tree Service in Cottage Grove Minnesota

Emerald Ash Borer Cottage Grove Minnesota

Emerald Ash Borer Behavior

The emerald ash borer has already infected a majority of the ash trees in Cottage Grove Minnesota. They came here from eastern Asia and first appeared in Minnesota in St. Paul in 2009. Since then they have spread across the entire Twin Cities. They infect ash trees by laying eggs inside the bark. When the eggs hatch, the larvae chew their way to the cambium layer or outermost layer of the tree. They chew skinny lines underneath the bark damaging the tree so that the tree is no longer able to spread nutrients and water to the canopy.

Ash tree treatment

Ash Tree Service

Because a majority of ash trees are already infected in St. Paul and the surrounding suburbs the only ash trees left would be ash trees that were serviced in the past. We can offer quotes for these trees and provide them with an effective treatment option that will guarantee the trees to be healthy for 2 years. Our treatment method uses pneumatic microinjections. The product is injected into each injection site individually. This allows us to properly measure the correct amount of product needed based on the size of the tree.

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Prevention Plan or IPP is the most effective option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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