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BOGO Pest Control is the Best Pest Control Service in the Twin Cities For Getting Rid of Mice Inside Your Home 

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Are You Interested in Keeping Mice Out of Your Home?

Learn About Our Signature Mouse Seal-Up Service

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Common Entry Points Used by Mice

Mouse Rub Marks aka Sent Trails on Stucco Home

Sent Trail/Rub Marks

It’s always important to check for rub marks or scent trails on brick and stucco homes. This photo shows that mice are climbing the stucco and entering through the vent.

Mouse entry point of open cinderblocks inside garage

Open Cinderblock 

Open cinderblock in a garage is a very common entry point that is often overlooked. Once the mice enter the hollow cinderblocks they can get access to the rest of the foundation of the structure.

Mouse Entry Point Under Low Deck

Low Decks

This is an entry point that would usually be covered up by a low deck. Most homeowners and other pest control companies would never think to look for it.

Open roof dormer mouse entry point

Open Soffits

Openings in soffits on the roof are very common. These areas are known as dormers and just a small gap like this one is all a mouse needs to enter into an attic.

Exterior Brick Facade Mouse Entry Point

Brick Wall Façade 

Many homes that have these brick façade walls in front of the home and garage have entry points. When two different structural materials meet on the home it is common for the area to crack due to the settling and shifting of the home.

Mouse entry point going underneath garage slab

Cracks in Cement

Cracks along driveway aprons and front and back stoops are very common in Minnesota. Due to the large fluctuations in temperatures, the structure starts settling and mice, insects, snakes, and other rodents like chipmunks live underneath them.

Examples of Our Mouse Service

Mouse entry point inside garage. Before/After

This is an entry point going into the house inside a garage. To seal this entry point we used copper mesh and to keep the mesh in place we covered the top with silicon. This hole is now sealed for years to come!

Open cinder block entry point Before/After

This is an entry point of open cinderblock under a bump out addition. To seal the entry point we used aluminum flashing and silicon to make it impossible for mice to move or chew through.

Pipe entry point. Before and After

This is an entry point of a pipe that is under a deck going into the home. To seal around a hole this big we use cement to make sure the hole is sealed permanently.

Mouse entry point through AC line. Before and After

This a very common entry point in most homes. Many pest control companies will just stuff the AC line hole and not use an adhesive material to keep the entry point sealed for long period of time.

Before and After Open Cinderblock in Garage

For garages that have open cinderblock we use long lasting materials such as this metal flashing or hardware cloth then we screw or staple it to the wall. This also gives a garage a clean finished look.

Mouse seal up service

Many companies rush through a seal-up by only stuffing holes with mesh or spraying foam in cracks. Mice can easily chew through the foam and pull out the mesh if it’s not sealed properly. We always back any entry point up with long-lasting mouse-proof materials.

Common Limitations

low deck mouse limitation

Low Decks

With low decks that are too low to crawl under we instruct our customers to remove ALL deck boards that are 2-3 feet away from the home. Due to liability issues, BOGO does not remove deck boards for customers.

cedar shake and high pitched roofs

Cedar Shakes and Steep Roofs

We do not climb on roofs that are metal, have cedar shakes, or have above a 10/12 pitch. With cedar shakes many times the shingles are not flush and there are usually gaps and cracks in between them, giving mice easy access into the attic. For roofs with a steep pitch, these become a safety concern so we can’t seal any openings.

foundation insulation panels limitation (2)

Foundation Insulation Panels

Foundation insulation panels are limitations due to the fact that they are made of foam so mice can chew through them. This gives the mice an opportunity to get behind and on top the panels. When the mice do this they can find entry points that we are unable to see and seal due to the panels covering up the foundation.

Low 3 Season Porches

Low 3 season porches present a problem as they restrict us to getting to an area of the home’s foundation. If there is an entry point underneath the solution would be to skirt the porch by digging a 1 foot trench around the perimeter and fill it with hardware cloth and cement. This service is not included in the warranty and usually costs around $50 a foot.

Vines on homes are mouse limitation

Vines Growing on the Home

Vines growing on the outside of the home present multiple problems. For one they are covering up entry points along the roof line and foundation. Another reason mice can climb the vines and even sometimes eat the fruits or flowers growing on them as well. Lastly vines as they continue to grow can crack brick mortar joints, siding and foundation creating new entry points on the home that were not previously there.

digging under stoop mouse limitation

Digging Under Stoops

Most homes have front and back stoops. It is common for mice, chipmunks, and other rodents to dig underneath them. Sometimes even though they can get under the stoop there still isn’t an entry point leading inside the home. If the mouse issue persists that will tell us if the stoop is a problem or not. If it is skirting will be the only solution. Which is not covered in the warranty.


Townhomes share the same foundation with every connecting unit. Once mice have access inside the foundation they can easily move from one home to the next. This also applies to most attics in townhomes.

Rotted Window Trim

Rotted Wood

Rotted wood around the house is usually impossible to seal around. Because the wood is so soft and pliable mice can chew through it and make new entry points. We will ask customers to replace rotted trim boards and siding in order to guarantee a full 2 year warranty.

D.I.Y Mouse Control


As a homeowner or property owner make sure there are no areas where trees or tree branches touch the roof. We recommend trimming back all branches to be at least 6 feet away so mice and squirrels cannot get on the roof.

Avoid having plants growing and touching the home

Outdoor Plants and Foliage

Most homes don’t look like this! But plants and foliage provide areas for mice to hide and feel safe next to your home. Any plants like vines or bushes that are touching the home should to be cut or trimmed back at least 1 foot away.

Mouse proof birdseed containers

Mouse Proof Storage Containers

Using mouse proof storage containers for birdseed and dogfood are important tips to keep mice from spending time around your home and in your garage.

Weather Stripping

Make sure to check the weather stripping under your doors are tightly sealed. We do realize garage doors are near impossible to prevent mice from getting into but doors like these are an easy fix.

Woodpile inside garage


By keeping woodpiles in the garage and near your home you are giving mice and insects a place to live inside your garage or near your home. We recommend placing any woodpiles at least 20 feet away from the home but the further away the better.

Dryer Vents

Most homeowners are unaware that their dryer vent is open. Flint filling up the vent can keep the flap from shutting. Because of this we recommend replacing any dryer vent with a Lambro Dryer Vent. This vent is maintenance free and mouse proof!

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Are You Interested in Keeping Mice Out of Your Home?

Learn About Our Signature Mouse Seal-Up Service

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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