Contact BOGO for Your Shorewood Minnesota Pest Control Needs

Shorewood Minnesota is a town bordering Lake Minnetonka. Homes and businesses near Lake Minnetonka often see an abundance of pest activity.

These are the most common pest found in Shorewood Minnesota

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Protection Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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Ants in Shorewood Minnesota

Ants in St. Louis Park Minnesota

Ant Behavior

Ants are social creatures and work towards benefiting their entire colony as a whole. The two most common ants in Minnesota are pavement ants and carpenter ants. Both ants have similar diets. They feed their larvae protein-based foods and the adult worker ants eat foods with sugar and carbohydrates. Sugary foods provide them with the energy they need to provide for the colony. They get their protein from dead insects, meat, fish, seeds, and nuts. They find sugar from eating fruits, plant nectar, and various human foods. In the fall and winter ants no longer grow their nests so they are no longer drawn to protein-based foods. If ants are seen being active inside in the winter they are only foraging for and eating foods with sugar and carbohydrates.

Ant Service in St. Paul Minnesota

Ant Service

The ant services we provide are interior and exterior. Our exterior service is often the most effective. We service the exterior of homes for ants when no snow is on the ground. When we treat the exterior we spray along the foundation of the home and around areas that may help ants bypass the foundation to get inside the home. This includes places like decks and trees that have branches that touch the home. The product is effective because it doesn’t kill the ants on contact like over-the-counter ant killer products do. Instead, the ants that cross over any sprayed areas live long enough to carry the product back inside the nest. Once back inside the nest the product then spreads throughout the rest of the colony. Our interior service product has the same effect but is a foam-like product that fills into cracks and crevices inside the home that the ants are crawling out of.

Learn about our ant services

Learn more about ants visit our Minnesota ant identification page

Mice in Shorewood Minnesota

Mouse behavior in Shorewood Minnesota

Mouse Behavior

Mice build nests inside homes to stay warm in the winter. By building these nests they are allowing themselves to continue to breed and have multiple litters. Mice don’t have a designated breeding season. They’re capable of breeding all year. One mouse can have over 10 litters in one year. These litters are supported by the rest of the group of mice also living inside. Most mice live in groups of multiple females, their offspring, and one or two males. If a mouse is not raising young or breeding they are foraging for food to support the mice in the group. They are nocturnal so they often leave their nests at night to find food. Their territory only spans 30 yards away from their nests. Homes with crab apple trees, boxelder trees, or maple trees will see an increase in mouse activity. Some of their favorite foods are crab apples and helicopter seeds.

BOGO's mouse service

Mouse Service

There aren’t any pest control companies in the Twin Cities that offer a mouse service that is as effective as ours. Each of our services is so effective that we back them up with the best warranty in the industry. We offer our customers a full 2-year warranty. This warranty allows our customers to call us back 30 days after we serve to schedule a free visit if mice are still getting inside. The type of warranty depends on the limitations we find around the home. Limitations are areas around the house that limit our ability to access 100% of the foundation and roof. Some common limitations include; townhomes, cedar shakes, steep roofs, and low 3-season porches. The warranty we provide for homes with one or more limitations is a 2-visit 2-year warranty. This gives our customers 2 free re-services if mice are still getting inside.

Click below to learn about BOGO’s signature mouse service

To learn more about mice and their behavior visit our mouse identification page

Wasps in Shorewood Minnesota

Spring Wasps in Minnesota

Wasp Behavior

The most common social wasps in Shorewood Minnesota are paper wasps (top left), bald-faced hornets (top right), and yellow jackets (bottom). All social wasps build their nests from scratch each spring. Paper wasps build flat nests where the hexagonal cells are exposed and visible from the outside. By the end of the summer, their nests can have between 30-70 workers. Bald-faced hornets build tear-drop-shaped aerial nests. Each of their nests is built at least 3 feet off the ground. By the end of the summer, their nests can have between 400-700 workers. Yellow jacket wasps can build multiple different nests in various locations. They can build spherical aerial nests, underground nests, nests inside trees, and nests inside cracks, and crevices around the exterior of man-made structures.

Wasp removal service preventative

Wasp Service

It’s important to note that after each wasp service we provide you may still see some foraging wasps. Foraging wasps are attracted to dried-out and unstained wood. They use wood to make the material that their nests are made out of. Homes with wood decks and cedar shake roofs are susceptible to still seeing wasps after one of our treatments. Our wasp service is designed to be preventative. We spray around the home to keep wasps from building nests on the exterior of the home. We spray along the foundation, soffits, under lights, and corners. The product we use stays effective for 2 months. For those 2 months, any wasp that lands on any sprayed areas will die after 30-45 minutes.

Click below to learn about our wasp services

To learn more about wasps and bees visit our identification page

Spiders in Shorewood Minnesota

Spiders in Elk River Minnesota

Spider Behavior

People often forget how important spiders are to the health of Minnesota’s ecosystems and the rest of our planet. They catch and eat insects that would become overpopulated if spiders didn’t exist. If certain insects become overpopulated they will spread more diseases and infect more plants. When spiders catch their prey they either catch them by building webs or catch them by hunting them. Common web-building spiders include; cellar spiders, common house spiders, and garden spiders. The spiders that hunt for their prey include; wolf spiders, sac spiders, and jumping spiders.

Spider habitat in Maple Grove Minnesota

Spider Habitat

The most common habitats to find spiders include; wooded habitats and habitats close to bodies of water. The main reason spiders are drawn to these habitats is because insects are also drawn to the same habitats. Some of the most common insects found near bodies of water include; mosquitos, flies, beetles, and ticks. Wooded habitats provide a perfect environment for moisture pests. Some of the most common moisture pests include; ants, springtails, silverfish, and sowbugs. Spiders will also follow these insects inside homes and basements where there is an increase in moisture.

Spider service in the Twin Cities of Minnesota

Spider Service

Homes that are built close to bodies of water or wooded habitats may need multiple spider services. Homes inside Shorewood are especially susceptible to needing multiple services to control the spider population. Spiders can multiply quickly. Each spider web that is on the home is capable of holding spider sacs that can hatch out hundreds of baby spiders. This is why each of our services starts by knocking down the spider webs. We then spray around windows, the foundation, soffits, and corners. The product will stay effective for 2 months and kill any spiders that are trying to make their way inside.

Click below to learn about our Spider Service

To learn more about spiders read our blog “We Love Living Near Woods and Water and so do Spiders!”

Boxelder and Stink Bugs in Shorewood Minnesota

Boxelder bug and stink bugs in Minnesota

Stink Bugs and Boxelder Bugs

Stink Bugs and boxelder bugs are both pests that overwinter inside homes and buildings. They can be seen roaming around inside homes in the winter during sunny days. The sun warms up the walls, windows, and roof enough to wake them up from their frozen state. As they move around they are drawn to windows to soak up the heat from the sun. They also may start looking for ways to get out. Both bugs do not lay eggs or mate inside homes in the winter. They start feeding and mating right away in the spring until the end of summer. Boxelder bugs lay eggs on female boxelder trees or maple trees that produce helicopter seeds. Stink bugs fly to different crop fields and gardens. They feed on and lay their eggs on sweet corn, tomatoes, grapes, and apple trees.

BOGO insect treatments

Boxelder and Stink Bug Service

Our boxelder bugs and stink bug service consists of spraying the entire home. We apply the product on the foundation up to the soffits. Both bugs find their way through various entry points. They can squeeze their way through small cracks around windows, doors, foundations, vents, and siding. Stink bugs are especially great flyers and will often overwinter inside attics by flying in through chimneys, soffit vents, and flumes. The product we use stays effective for 2 months. It’s more effective to get the service done before the swarms of insects are visible on the exterior of the home. If the swarms are already on the outside of the home there is most likely already a population of bugs living inside.

Click below to learn more about our boxelder/stink bug service

To learn more about stink bugs and boxelder bugs read our blog “Minnesota Fall Pests.”

Click Here

Ash Tree Service in Shorewood Minnesota

Benefits of treating ash trees in Minnesota

Benefits of Treating Your Ash Trees

Ash trees in Shorewood Minnesota are all susceptible to dying from the emerald ash borer. When an ash tree becomes infected there are two options. You can either cut the tree down or save the tree by treating it. Unfortunately, the cost of cutting down ash trees has increased significantly. The cost has risen due to the rising demand for cutting down infected ash trees. By treating your ash tree instead, you’re avoiding these huge thousand to ten thousand dollar price tags. On top of saving money, you’re also benefiting the environment by keeping your large mature ash trees alive. Ash trees and other trees absorb harmful chemicals from the environment. Some of the most common are; carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxides. A large tree can also help with erosion and water runoff by absorbing over 2,000 gallons of rainwater a year!

Ash tree treatment

Ash Tree Service

When we treat ash trees we don’t focus on the time it takes to treat ash tree. We focus on how effective the treatment is in saving ash trees. Many other treatment options make it difficult to know how much product was taken up by the tree. It also makes it hard to know how much one root of the tree took up compared to another. Our treatment injects the product into the tree individually. This allows us to measure the correct dosage needed for each injection. By doing it this way the product can spread throughout the tree evenly. Each ash tree treatment needs to be done every 2 years to keep the ash tree from getting infected again.

For more information about the emerald ash borer in Shorewood Minnesota

Learn about the emerald ash borer and the other benefits of treating your ash trees

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Protection Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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