Contact BOGO for Your Eden Prairie Minnesota Pest Control Needs!

Eden Prairie is a city in the Twin Cities that has large parks such as staring lake, Lake Riley, the Minnesota River Bluffs Regional Trail, and others. Their parks and trails total over 2,250 acres.

These are the most common pests found in Eden Prairie Minnesota

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Protection Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call us or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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Ants in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Ants in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Ant Behavior

Ants are considered social insects. As a social insect, each ant has the job of providing for their colony. Ant colonies first get started by swarmers performing a nuptial flight. This happens when two winged ants mate. Many times these ants are mistaken for termites. After mating the female will find a place to start her colony. She will lay her eggs and eat her wings to be able to provide nutrients to the eggs so they become workers. As workers, their sole purpose is to forage for food to provide for the Queen, her offspring, and the rest of the colony. Once a colony is well established only about 10% of the ants leave the nest while the rest stay behind providing for the larva and pupa of the colony.

Spraying for carpenter ants

Ant Service

BOGO’s ant service consists of spraying along the foundation of the home. We also spray around joists of decks and trees that touch the home. The treatment that is being used is specifically designed for eradicating social insect colonies. The treatment works by not killing the ants that are inside right away. Which is what all department store products like Raid do. These products do not affect the queen or 90% of the colony that doesn’t leave the nest. Our product lets the ants that are outside of the nest bring the product back to the nest. From there it spreads to the rest of the colony. It takes 30 days for the product to eradicate an entire ant colony.

Mice in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Mouse behavior in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Mouse Behavior

Mice are very social creatures and live in groups of a few males, multiple females, and their offspring. They are polyandrous so one male will mate with multiple females. They also will mate all year long and do not have a breeding season. Mice can have 2 to over 10 litters in one year and each litter is capable of producing 2-10 pups. To feed these large groups mice spend a lot of time foraging and hoarding food. They become more noticeable in the fall as they start looking for areas to spend the winter. Unfortunately, mice do not hibernate so they will stay active throughout winter but spend more time inside than out. Mice use a scent trail to help other mice in their group to find their way inside. They are constantly leaving microscopic urine droplets everywhere they walk to help the mice find their way back home when their outside. Mice are also nocturnal and have poor eyesight which is why they depend on their scents or smells over anything else.

Mouse seal up service

Mouse Service

No pest control company offers a mouse service like ours. Our service is extremely thorough and is designed to solve your mouse problem for good. We use materials that most other pest companies are too lazy to use. For each entry point, we seal we make sure that the hole is backed with a material that is impossible for a mouse to chew through. For example in the picture above most companies will rush with their service and either miss the entry point altogether or only spray foam into the hole. First, we use long-lasting materials like hardware cloth (in the photo). We then use foam or silicon on top of the material to keep the material in place just in case the mice try to chew through the foam like in the image above. Our service is also unique in offering full 2-year warranties or 2 visits 2-year warranties. Our warranties depend on limitations that are blocking our techs from reaching a particular area of the foundation.

Wasps in Eden Prairie Minnesota

yellow jacket

Wasp Behavior

The most common wasps in Minnesota include; the paper wasp, yellow jacket, and bald-face hornet. These wasps behave similarly as they are all social insects. Each wasp is given a job to help grow and expand the colony. One of the jobs is foraging for food which includes; insects, sugar from fruits, human foods, and nectar. For most wasps, insects are their main source of food. Another job for a wasp includes finding building materials to grow the size of the nest. Wasps will find an area with dry unstained wood such as a deck to chew on the wood and mix it with their saliva to create the pulp material that all their nests are made out of. These 2 jobs are extremally important but only about 10-20% of the wasps in the nest leave the nest to forage. The rest stay behind and help with raising the larva into pupa and then into workers.

wasp treatments in Minnetonka Minnesota

Wasp Service

Our service for ants and wasps is similar. This is because both insects live in social colonies. The wasp nest where our product is especially effective when the wasp nest is hidden inside a wall, underground, or hanging from a tree. With these nests department store products only affect the wasps that leave the nest. Our product is only given to licensed professionals. This product lets the wasps that leave the nest carry it back to spread to the rest of the colony.

Spiders in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Spiders in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Spider Behavior

Without spiders, our ecosystems here in Minnesota would be overrun with insects. They are the oldest living pest control service. There have been spiders on our planet for 300 million years. With that being said spiders can still be a nuisance. No one likes seeing cobwebs on their home or inside their home. If not taken care of right away a spider problem can get out of hand quickly as each spider can lay hundreds of eggs multiple times a year.

Spider habitat in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Spider Habitat

Spiders are drawn to areas that are infested with other insects. Many of these places have one thing in common and that is water. Spiders are also drawn to enter homes that have a moisture problem. Moisture is another factor in attracting insects. So in short spiders go where other insects go as they are their main source of food.

Spider service in the Twin Cities of Minnesota

Spider Service

The spider service we provide focuses mostly on the exterior of the home. First, we walk around the property knocking down any cobwebs that we can reach with our extended brush. After that, we go around and spray along the foundation, corners, trim boards, and soffits. If an interior treatment is needed we will also do this in the unfinished rooms or basement where there is excessive moisture.

Boxelder Bugs and Stink Bugs in Minnetonka Minnesota

Boxelder bugs in Wayzata Minnesota

Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder bugs are commonly seen during the fall in Minnesota. The bugs are searching for areas over winter to prevent freezing to death. In the winter, most box elders stay in a dormant state to preserve energy. Although it’s common for them to be seen crawling inside homes. This usually only happens on sunnier winter days. One these days the sum warms up the outside of the house to allow some of the insects to thaw out. After the winter is over the box elders start to leave their winter dwellings and start searching for female boxelder trees. These trees provide the insects with a place to mate, lay eggs and eat. Their mating season goes from July-August. They also feed on the helicopter seeds that the trees produce.

Stink bugs in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Stink Bugs

Stink bugs are an invasive species that came from Eastern Asia. There are multiple different species but the most common in Minnesota is the Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB). They were first spotted in Minnesota in 2010 and since then they have multiplied drastically. They are notorious for destroying large fields of crops in the summer season. They mate, lay eggs, and eat in crop fields like tomatoes, sweet corn, grapes, and apples among others. Their mating season occurs soon after winter. They lay their eggs on various plant leaves. After hatching in the bugs become a nuisance as they leave the crop fields and start searching for areas to over winter.

BOGO insect treatments

Boxelder and Stink Bug Service

Services for stink bugs and boxelder bugs happen at the same time. The most effective way to treat them is in the early fall before swarms of the bugs can be seen landing on homes and buildings. The reason for this is that once they are already seen in the home there most likely are bugs that have already made their way inside for winter. When we do the treatment we spray the home from top to bottom (obviously not the windows) and the spray sticks and stay effective on the siding and foundation for 2 months. With this time span the insects that start to fly on the home in the middle of fall will still die as soon as they make contact with the home.

Ash Tree Services in Eden Prairie Minnesota

Benefits of treating ash trees in Minnesota

Benefits of Treating Your Ash Trees

The invasive insect emerald ash borer is infecting ash trees all across Eden Prairie. Before deciding on cutting down an ash tree it’s important to learn about the benefits they provide when alive. They provide a variety of different benefits to the environment and our health. Cutting down an ash tree can also be expensive. An infected ash tree costs a lot of money to dispose of. It also costs more depending on the size and location of the tree. Large mature ash trees are capable of absorbing 1000 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in one year. Some of the health benefits trees provide are improving people’s immune systems and blood pressure.

Ash tree treatment

Ash Tree Service

Our ash tree service has been tested and proven as the most effective ash tree treatment in the industry. The reason why it’s so effective is that each injection done around a tree is completed individually instead of by injecting sending the product simultaneously. This allows the ash tree to have an equal amount of product going around the entire tree. It also helps that was able to witness the product getting taken up each time the injection is taken place.

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To protect your home from all these insects and more our Insect Protection Plan or IPP is the best option

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment call us or send us an email

Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)

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