Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs have become one of the most common fall pests in Minnesota. But most people don’t know anything about them or where they came from.

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Facts About Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs

Stink bug behavior and eggs
  1. Brown marmorated stink bugs are an invasive insect that came from Eastern Asia.
  2. They hitchhiked their way to America inside shipping containers.
  3. They were first identified in America in the mid-1990s and reached Minnesota in 2010.
  4. Stink bugs feed on and damage grapes, apples, sweet corn, berries, tomatoes, and other crops.
  5. They mate in the spring and summer, not in the Winter!
  6. They lay 20-30 eggs on the underside of leaves of various plants most commonly plants they feed on.
  7. They start searching for places to overwinter in September and October.
  8. They find their way inside through; chimneys, vents, soffits, facias, utility pipes, doors, and windows.

Click the link to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency website to learn more