We offer a comprehensive plan to eliminate 90% of insects from getting inside your home and building nests outside your home. Our service is scientifically designed around insect phenology in Minnesota. At BOGO Pest Control we follow the science with all our services. This keeps us honest with all our customers and is the most effective way to solve any pest problem.

Our Insect Prevention Plan (IPP) starts in the spring and ends in the fall before the temperature drops below freezing. The plan includes 4 scheduled services throughout a 6-7 month span. Each service is scheduled to be 1.5-2 months apart. Each one follows the phenology of the insect life cycle for that time of year. Each IPP member can even customize their services to combat specific insects that infest their home. They can also contact us between each scheduled service for a free follow-up if any new insect issues arise. This includes wasp nest treatments and removal.

The 1st spring service is designed to combat either ants or moisture pests. The most common ants we see in Minnesota are pavement ants and carpenter ants. When the ground thaws out it forces the ants who lay dormant all winter to wake up from hibernation. The excess water from the snow melt also attracts moisture pests such as; centipedes, sowbugs, millipedes, and spiders to become more active and get inside.

The 2nd service in May-June is designed around wasp phenology. This time of year is when the wasps start searching for places to build new nests. Each nest is built from scratch every spring. They do not reuse old nests from the year before. This service is designed to kill the wasps before they can build their nests on the exterior of your home.

The 3rd service in July-August is designed to be a reapplication to continue preventing wasps from building nests and spiders and other insects from getting inside. The products we use are extremely effective in killing insects that land on your home. Unfortunately, over time our product’s effectiveness wears off. Each treatment will stay effective for 60 days. After 60 days the the insects will come back and it may look like we have never been there before.

The final 4th service in September-October exterminates fall overwintering insects. These include; stink bugs, boxelder bugs, Asian lady beetles, and spiders. As the temperatures at night start dropping it triggers these insects to leave their homes and find a place to overwinter. This is the most thorough service we provide. We cover the entire structure in a treatment that kills any insect that lands on the home before they can get inside. Without this service, many homeowners will see these insects crawling inside their homes in the winter.

There are additional benefits attached to our Insect Prevention Plan (IPP). One is that we do not use contracts! You do not have to sign any documents to join our plan and can quit at any time. Another benefit is that each service stays at one set price. The price will not change depending on what insect we are treating for. It will also not change if an insect problem is worse than normal. There is also no upfront charge to join. We only charge after each scheduled service is completed. Paying for multiple services will add up quickly and it will usually only take 2 single services to pay for an entire year of an IPP plan.

Another benefit is that we do not charge extra for doing interior treatments. With that being said, we know that by just doing exterior treatments our services will be extremely effective. All insects and pests originate from the outside. The exterior treatment will come in contact with the insects entering and leaving the home. Interior treatments will only affect the insects that are already inside. It will not keep them from getting in.

All the products we use are pet and kid-friendly. We do not use aerosol or fogging products that fill the air. Each treatment is water-based. The only protocol homeowners need to take is to wait 1 hour for the product to dry. Once the product is dry on the home you will not see it and any kids or pets will not come in contact with it.

If you would like to keep your home insect-free our IPP is the most effective solution!

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