Yellow Jackets are extremely aggressive wasps that live in Minnesota. It’s important to be knowledgeable about their behavior to stay safe and avoid getting stung

Things You Should Know About Yellow Jackets

  1. Yellow jackets have smooth stingers that allow them to sting multiple times without losing them and dying
  2. They are territorial and will attack people, pets, and other insects that get too close to the entrance of their nest
  3. They build nests in a variety of different locations
        1. Underground
        2. Trees and tree stump
        3. Papery spherical aerial nests
        4. Inside retaining walls
        5. Vents
        6. Man-made structures
  4. Their nests keep most of the wasps protected and hidden from over-the-counter wasp products
  5. Yellow jackets build all their nests from scratch each spring
  6. By the end of the summer one nest can have between 2000-4000 workers
  7. They forage for nesting material by chewing on dried-up wood and mixing the thin layers with their saliva
  8. Adult yellow jackets feed on nectar and fruit
  9. They get protein from insects, fish, and meat and feed it to their larvae
  10. They are more aggressive in the fall because their nests are at full capacity while their food sources decrease
yellow jackets in Minnesota facts page

Learn the safety measures you should take if a yellow jacket wasp stings you

Read more about yellow jackets