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Boxelder bug and stink bug sightings are widespread during the fall in Minnesota. Both bugs at this time of year are searching for warm places to go to overwinter. This behavior is triggered when the temperatures at night start to drop. During this time these bugs can be seen swarming on the south side of homes to warm their bodies up after being outside all night.
Boxelder bugs find their way inside through the foundation, under the siding, behind brick facade walls, and under damaged weather stripping. Stink bugs are relatively new to Minnesota. They were only first spotted in 2010! So we are currently still learning about their behavior. We have begun to notice that their most used entry points are higher up than where the boxelder bugs enter the home. They get inside through chimneys, soffits, roof vents, and windows that are on the 2nd floor or higher. Once these insects are inside their behavior changes, a majority of them will stay dormant to conserve energy until spring. They stay hidden in attics, inside foundation blocks, and behind the walls and siding.
The reason why some of these insects are found inside the living areas is because of the sun. Just like in the fall when the insects were attracted to south-facing walls they are also attracted to the sun when they are inside. On sunny days in the winter even though it’s cold outside the sun is still able to heat the roof, windows, and walls enough for the hibernating insects to wake up. This is why most of the insects you see are near the sunniest sections of the home.
When you see boxelder bugs and stink bugs walking around inside both insects DO NOT lay eggs or mate in the winter. They also do not cause structural damage sting, bite, or spread diseases.
Unfortunately, there is no effective winter treatment to combat the insects already inside. The reason it will not be effective is because a majority of the population is still not visible and hidden behind walls or in the attic where they will not affected by an indoor spray. The best solution in the winter is to either vacuum them up or flush them down the toilet when you see them.
The best solution to keep boxelder bugs and stink bugs out of your home next winter is by spraying around the exterior of the home in the fall. This treatment is significantly more effective when done right before the swarming and overwintering start. Once the chemical is dried and sticking to the siding, foundation, and roofline any bug that lands on the sprayed areas will die before they get inside.
Learn More About Our Fall Insect Service
It is never too early to get on the schedule for a Fall Insect Treatment
Call Us Today! 952-404-BOGO (2646)